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Single autistic mother of three awesome autistic kids. These are my anonymous ramblings about life, love, parenting and the rest – emptying my head of the weird, the wonderful and the mundane. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

New term, new blog, same nonsense...

The 1st day of term for DS1 could've started better. He was knackered anyway from only just getting back from a weekend at his Dad's, and he was still on Summer holiday speed for getting up. So I thought, 'I'll be a kind mum, and drive him to school today'.  (And it was chucking it down, so really didn't want to get me and DS2 soaked too). So, chased down DS2 to put his socks, shoes and coat on;  shouted at DS1 to put his brain in gear as he stared blankly at the book bag and PE bag I'd put out for him the night before; and eventually we made it to the car. Children in, bags in, seatbelts on, turned the key and.... nothing, zip, nada.

Oh joy - the car that has been totally reliable for 3 years has a Klingon moment and decides 'This is a good day to die'. No it's f**king not. So out we all pile again, get completely soaked getting the buggy raincover on - surely someone can design those things better - and we run the 15 minutes to school, with DS1 in full whinging mode - 'I don't like hills'. (Mummy is clearly lacking in that she has yet to develop the ability to move mountains) We arrive 10 minutes late to a new teaching assistant who doesn't know us, or that we are never, ever, ever late. And so starts Year 1.

DS2 went to the childminders today, so had a childfree morning, which for some reason I chose to use cleaning out the cupboard under the sink, which has left me wondering WTF is wrong with me? I mean, seriously, how many used zip lock bags could one person need?  It's like there's a 1940s housewife stuck in my head going 'well you never know when it might come in useful'

Here is a list of other things I found:

  1. A pack of IKEA black plastic loops that have no obvious function whatsoever
  2. A host of spare screws and attachments from various flatpack assemblages
  3. A tile grouting mending kit
  4. 2 bottles of limescale remover – having brought the new one because I didn’t realise I already had one
  5. An old tissue
  6. Empty kitchen roll packaging
  7. 5 cans/tubes of once-used shoe cleaner
  8. 8 metal castors
  9. 3 packs on non-stick cleaning pads – see point 4
  10. 3 empty pots of bubbles – why??? Why would you keep empty ones??
  11. A cassette recording of The Taming of the Shrew
I am clearly a freak hoarder. Particularly as I threw none of these things away - just organised them better. I am also intrigued as to why the cassette of The Taming of the Shrew was in the bag with the castors. Was I at some point planning Shakespeare on wheels and needed to keep these things together lest I forget?? That worked well then.

Its been a high achieving day all round, unusually. Not only was the cupboard sorted, I also managed to cook tea from scratch - using potatoes and tomatoes grown by my own fair hand. Sounds a bit Nigella, but it did involve swearing at the oven, the ready roll puff pastry and DS1- I can't imagine Ms Lawson sinking to profanity. I also managed to set up my first ever blog - Welcome!

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