Oh joy - the car that has been totally reliable for 3 years has a Klingon moment and decides 'This is a good day to die'. No it's f**king not. So out we all pile again, get completely soaked getting the buggy raincover on - surely someone can design those things better - and we run the 15 minutes to school, with DS1 in full whinging mode - 'I don't like hills'. (Mummy is clearly lacking in that she has yet to develop the ability to move mountains) We arrive 10 minutes late to a new teaching assistant who doesn't know us, or that we are never, ever, ever late. And so starts Year 1.
DS2 went to the childminders today, so had a childfree morning, which for some reason I chose to use cleaning out the cupboard under the sink, which has left me wondering WTF is wrong with me? I mean, seriously, how many used zip lock bags could one person need? It's like there's a 1940s housewife stuck in my head going 'well you never know when it might come in useful'
Here is a list of other things I found:
- A pack of IKEA black plastic loops that have no obvious function whatsoever
- A host of spare screws and attachments from various flatpack assemblages
- A tile grouting mending kit
- 2 bottles of limescale remover – having brought the new one because I didn’t realise I already had one
- An old tissue
- Empty kitchen roll packaging
- 5 cans/tubes of once-used shoe cleaner
- 8 metal castors
- 3 packs on non-stick cleaning pads – see point 4
- 3 empty pots of bubbles – why??? Why would you keep empty ones??
- A cassette recording of The Taming of the Shrew
Its been a high achieving day all round, unusually. Not only was the cupboard sorted, I also managed to cook tea from scratch - using potatoes and tomatoes grown by my own fair hand. Sounds a bit Nigella, but it did involve swearing at the oven, the ready roll puff pastry and DS1- I can't imagine Ms Lawson sinking to profanity. I also managed to set up my first ever blog - Welcome!
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