After a massive post-Halloween clear up session I got to bed late, and so it was with great joy I got to start Tuesday with a phone call from my brother, to say his on-off girlfriend of about 3 years had dumped him again - just as he'd given up his flat to move in with her. This is about the 13th time this has happened, and we were all waiting for it a bit, although we did think she might wait until she'd got presents out of him for Christmas. Before you judge him, he does have Adult ADHD and going back to people that treat you badly is a symptom of that - and she knows it, so feel free to judge her. Anyway, trying to be supportive whilst thinking 'got to get the kids ready for school/childminders' is not an easy balance, but I think I just about pulled it off. However, when I did get upstairs again to see to them, DS2 had had an explosion in his nappy and poo had leaked all down his pyjama legs. The day was clearly signalling it was going to be one of 'those' kind of days.
Got DS2 on the change mat and got DS1 to hold him down and sing to him while I dealt with the other end. It was one of those explosions that went everywhere, so it was several handfuls of wipes before we were sorted. Could still smell it somewhere though, and was wondering around trying to find where some could've escaped too when I looked down and saw two brown blogs, one on each leg of my clean-on jeans - nice! Still, could've been worse, I could've not noticed it - now that would've been an impressive look in the playground.
Managed to get DS1 to school but having left my phone at home, I nipped in to the drive to get it on the way to the childminder's and what did I see? A large patch of oil underneath where my car normally sits. Yep, it was definitely one of 'those' days. I have to say it didn't really improve, but I'll fill you in on the details next time, as it's now way past my bedtime - and after the couple of days I've had, I need sleep!!
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