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Single autistic mother of three awesome autistic kids. These are my anonymous ramblings about life, love, parenting and the rest – emptying my head of the weird, the wonderful and the mundane. Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

How my children see me meme... at last!

So I was tagged ages ago by the lovely AMummysview in this meme, and its taken me forever to get round to doing it - but at last here it is, how my children see me

First up, DS1:

He said that the blue bits at the edges were for when I get cross, and the red cross is actually a kiss for me... bless him.

.. and this is DS2s effort:

.. apparently the bit at the top is my eyes and the big squiggle to the right is my knees and my legs... guess I'm sitting down!

I have no idea what those say about me, but I'd love to see how these lovely blogger's children see them:

Older Single Mum

Nearly Everything But...

 Mama and more

That Spencer Bloke

Recipe Junkie

... looking forward to it already!!


  1. Oh, love a bit of psychoanalysis! Sweet to see that there aren't many blue bits in your boy's piccie - you obviously don't get cross that much! I'll see what my portraits give, although at 9months I don't think that Mini G will be able to truly express his great love for his mama in his artwork! ; )

    1. Yeah, I think its a relief to realise that he doesn't see my getting cross as a major part of me - as I do feel like I'm cross all the time!! Look forward to seeing yours - who knows what a 9 month old can do?!!

  2. ha ha! I expect Pink's drawing of me will have rather more blue zigzags on it :-(. I'll see what I can bribe them with!

    1. I'm amazed mine isn't all blue zigzags!!!
